
A Step-by-Step Guide to Excelling in WAEC Informal Letter Writing

WAEC Informal Letter Writing

Mastering Letter Writing for Exams: BECE, WASSCE, and GTLE Guide


Letter writing isn’t just a casual skill; it’s a pivotal aspect of exams like BECE, WASSCE, and GTLE. Students often face challenges in crafting both formal and informal letters to meet specific exam criteria. To tackle this, understanding the nuances and structures of these letters is crucial.

Types of letters:

Letter writing isn’t a monolith. It branches into two main categories:

1. Formal/Business Letters: Official correspondence requiring a professional tone and structure. 2. Informal, friendly, or personal letters: more relaxed and often addressed to acquaintances or friends.

Informal/Friendly/Personal Letters:

These letters embody a personal touch, reaching out to friends, family, or acquaintances. They have a unique structure:

  1. Writer’s Address and Date: Positioned at the top right corner, reflecting the sender’s details.
  2. Salutation: tailored greetings, reflecting the closeness of the relationship.
  3. Introduction: An engaging start, expressing gratitude, acknowledging previous letters, or sharing news.
  4. Body: The heart of the letter, presenting thoughts, ideas, or stories in a conversational style.
  5. Conclusion: A graceful wrap-up, often inviting further correspondence.
  6. Subscription: affectionate closings, always ending with the writer’s first name.

Crafting an Informal Letter:

Address and Date: Choose between block or indented style, ensuring the date aligns with the address format.

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Salutation: Reflect the level of closeness using greetings like “Dear,” “Hello,” or “Hi” followed by the recipient’s first name.

Introduction: Capture attention by acknowledging received letters or setting the tone for new correspondence.

Body: Organize thoughts into paragraphs, maintaining conversational language and proper grammar.

Conclusion: Round off the letter, leaving the reader with a sense of completion and anticipation for further communication.

Subscription: Choose warm closings such as “Yours affectionately,” always ending with the writer’s first name.

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Crafting the Perfect Conclusion:

Crafting a compelling conclusion is as vital as the body of the letter. Express anticipation for continued communication, share warm regards, and sign off with an engaging tone.

Mastering the Art:

  • Practice the different elements extensively.
  • Embrace conversational language and appropriate grammar.
  • Pay attention to formatting and structure.
  • Express genuine emotions and warmth in your letters.

 How to Nail the WAEC Informal Letter Task

1. Overly formal tone:

  • Mistake: adopting a rigid, overly formal tone not suitable for an informal letter.
  • Solution: Ensure the tone is conversational, reflecting familiarity with the recipient.

2. Ignoring Structure:

  • Mistake: disregarding essential components like salutation, introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Solution: Adhere to the informal letter structure for coherence and clarity.

3. Inappropriate Salutation:

  • Mistake: Using inappropriate salutations like ‘Dear Sir’ or ‘Dear Madam’ for friends or peers.
  • Solution: Opt for casual salutations like ‘Dear [Name],’ ‘Hello,’ or ‘Hi’ based on familiarity.

4. Lack of personal touch:

  • Mistake: Failing to add personal touches or engaging content in the body of the letter.
  • Solution: Include anecdotes, personal experiences, or shared interests for a more engaging letter.
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5. Grammatical Errors:

  • Mistake: Neglecting grammar, spelling, or punctuation, affecting readability.
  • Solution: Proofread meticulously to correct errors and maintain clarity.

6. Unnecessary Length:

  • Mistake: writing excessively long letters without focusing on quality content.
  • Solution: Keep the letter concise while ensuring the inclusion of relevant information.

7. Inappropriate Closure:

  • Mistake: Using formal closings like ‘Yours faithfully’ or ‘Yours sincerely’ in informal letters.
  • Solution: End with casual closings such as ‘Yours affectionately,’ ‘Your friend,’ followed by your name.

8. Copying Formal Letter Format:

  • Mistake: Mistakenly following a formal letter format instead of an informal one.
  • Solution: Stick to the relaxed format suitable for informal communication.

9. Lack of warmth:

  • Mistake: Failing to convey warmth or genuine emotion in the letter.
  • Solution: Infuse emotions, expressions, and warmth suitable for a friendly letter.

10. Using Unfamiliar Language:

  • Mistake: Using complex or unfamiliar language impacts the letter’s authenticity.
  • Solution: Employ simple language, avoid jargon, and use terms relatable to the recipient.


Letter writing is an art that blends personal touch with structured communication. By understanding the nuances of informal letters and practicing their elements, students can excel in exams like BECE, WASSCE, and GTLE. It’s not just about words on paper; it’s about crafting a connection through letters.

So, dear students, let your personalities shine through your letters, and may your correspondence be a testament to your mastery of this art!

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