Top 4 Best Courses to Study in Nigeria for Quick Employment in 2024

Best Courses to Study in Nigeria

Nigeria is a country with a rapidly growing economy and a large population, making it a hub for job seekers. However, with so many courses and degrees to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which one will lead to the most job opportunities. In this article, we will explore the job market in … Read more

How to Make Friends in a Nigerian University as a Fresher (Proven Strategies)

How to Make Friends in a Nigerian University as a Fresher

How to Make Friends in a Nigerian University as a Fresher Starting university can be an exciting but daunting experience, especially when it comes to making new friends. As a fresher in a Nigerian university, it can be overwhelming to navigate the social scene and form meaningful connections. But fear not, with these tips, you’ll … Read more

Top 5 Practical Ways to Make Money During NYSC Orientation Camp and Beyond

Make Money During NYSC

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program is a mandatory one-year service for Nigerian graduates. The NYSC program aims to promote unity and national integration, but it also offers opportunities to earn extra cash. With rising living costs, many corps members seek ways to supplement their monthly allowance. This article explores money-making opportunities, side hustles, … Read more

How to Focus While Listening to Music if You’re Studying

listening to music while studying

Researchers have identified the ‘irrelevant sound effect’ (ISE) as a potential cognitive impairment when trying to listen to music while studying to memorize things in order due to the changing words and notes in a song. However, studies have shown that listening to background music before a task can increase cognitive processes like attention and … Read more

7 Ways Help your child excel in school

7 Ways Help your child excel in school

Parenting strategies in high-pressure school environments can be challenging to determine. A successful school experience should not solely focus on report cards; it should also teach children how to learn, retain information, think independently, ask questions, and develop competence. Guidelines to ensure a positive start and maintain enthusiasm throughout the school year are provided. Parents … Read more