
How to Delete a Facebook Account in 2024 (Updated)

How to Delete a Facebook Account in 2024 (Updated)

How to Delete a Facebook Account in 2024 – Facebook is a good thing but unfortunately for some people it might not be the same experience. That is why we would be focusing on tips or guidelines on how to delete Facebook.


If you happen to fall in the category of people that are tired of using Facebook and do not want to use it anymore, you can easily delete your account.

Whatever that is not in use should be disposed so there is no need of keeping your Facebook account. That is also why Facebook has the option for users to delete their accounts permanently.

In this write up, we will be showing you the steps involved in deleting your Facebook account. We are also going to be telling you the difference between deactivating and deleting your Facebook account.

Deleting Facebook Account

Deleting your Facebook account is a permanent solution to stop using Facebook forever for that account. When you delete your Facebook account the account is gone forever and you cannot get it back. Once your account is deleted you can also use that same number and details to open another account because the previous account is gone forever.

Facebook gives users the option to delete their accounts if they no longer feel like using Facebook. So all users of Facebook can simply delete their account once they are tired and do not want to come back to use Facebook. But there is a chance that you might also want to come back to use Facebook.

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But if there is a chance that you might also want to continue using Facebook at some point in time you can deactivate your account.

Deactivating Facebook

Deactivating your Facebook account is a temporary solution to stop using Facebook. When your Facebook account is deactivated no one would be able to find anything relating to you on Facebook. All your posts, photos, friends, and more would be hidden. Nobody will be able to set up your account because all information is hidden.

For those choosing in the deactivating option, they simply leave room to return back to Facebook in the future to that same account. Therefore, deactivating is a temporary way of stopping to use Facebook with the option to come back later.

What is the Difference Between Deleting and Deactivating your Account

If you have read both definitions I have given in this article, you would find out that the core difference is simply the duration. Deleting your Facebook account is a permanent solution which means the duration is permanent it cannot be gotten back. While deactivating your Facebook account is a temporary solution to stop using Facebook.

The core difference is that one of the solutions is permanent while the other is temporary. When you delete an account on Facebook it is set in stone. This means that this action cannot be undone because the account is gone forever. You will not be able to regain access to your account but you can download your information if you want to.

When you delete your account Facebook delays the deletion for a few days in case you change your mind. However, if you do not change your mind it can take up to 90 days before your account is totally deleted from all Facebook backups.

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How to Delete a Facebook Account

It is advisable to download a copy of your Facebook information before deleting your account. So that you still have access to your Facebook account information when your account has been deleted.

To permanently delete your account follow the below procedure:

  • Launch Facebook and sign in to your account.
  • Now click account in the top right of Facebook.
  • Select settings and privacy and then click on settings.
  • Click on your Facebook information in the left column of the screen.
  • Click on delete your account and information, and then click on Delete my account.
  • When prompted to enter your password enter it and click on continue.
  • To complete the process click on delete account.

After clicking on delete account as I mentioned Facebook will delay the decision process for a couple of days. Within 30 days you can decide to cancel your account from being deleted. To do this simply sign into your account within 30 days of your account deletion.

Can you deactivate Facebook and keep Messenger?

Yes, you can deactivate Facebook and still have full access to Facebook Messenger. The trick is to not permanently delete your Facebook profile, but to select the option: Deactivate account.

If you continue using Facebook Messenger, be sure you know how to change your privacy settings on Facebook, and periodically clear your Facebook cache to protect your privacy.





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