
120 Funny Good Morning Texts For Him or Her – 2024 Latest List

funny good morning texts

Mornings can be rough, but injecting a dose of humor is a surefire way to start your day on a positive note. Whether you’re looking to brighten she or he morning or simply need a good laugh yourself, this compilation of 120 funny good morning texts is your last bustop for spreading joy and laughter. Let’s dive into the world of witty and playful messages that will leave you grinning from ear to ear.

Table of Contents

1. “Good morning! Just once, I’d like to wake up, turn off the alarm, and hear Morgan Freeman say, ‘It’s time to wake up, champ.'”

2. “Rise and shine! If mornings were people, they’d be the Monday of the week.”

3. “Good morning! If each morning had a face, I’d throw my alarm clock at it.”

4. “Waking up is hard to do, especially when your bed is a time machine and your alarm clock is stuck in the past.”

5. “Good morning! I’m not a morning person, but I play one on the weekends.”

6. “Rise and shine! The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.”

7. “Good morning! My morning routine is usually coffee, contemplation, and a series of questionable life choices.”

8. “Waking up is like a software update – I’m never ready for it, and it usually crashes my system.”

9. “Good morning! I’m not saying I’m Wonder Woman, but have you ever seen us in the same room together?”

10. “Rise and shine! I’ve decided I’m not old; I’m 25, plus shipping and handling.”

11. “Good morning! My bed and I are in a committed relationship. It’s just a shame it’s a long-distance one.”

12. “Waking up is the second hardest thing in the morning. The first is finding the will to get out of bed.”

13. “Good morning! I don’t need an inspirational quote; I need coffee and a nap.”

14. “Rise and shine! Mornings would be better if they started later and came with a side of bacon.”

15. “Good morning! My morning routine is pretty standard: snooze, regret, repeat.”

16. “Waking up is tough, but not as tough as convincing my bed that five more minutes aren’t negotiable.”

17. “Good morning! I’m not lazy; I’m in energy-saving mode.”

18. “Rise and shine! If mornings were a person, I’d file a restraining order.”

19. “Good morning! I’m not a morning person, but I’m also not a people person, so it works out.”

20. “Waking up is the second-best thing in bed. The first is realizing it’s the weekend.”

21. “Good morning! I’d like to thank coffee for making this moment possible.”

22. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like baby giraffes – they’re awkward and take a while to get on their feet.”

23. “Good morning! I’m not a morning person, but I’m also not a morning zombie. Let’s call it a draw.”

24. “Waking up is hard. Staying awake is harder. Adulting is impossible.”

25. “Good morning! I’m not saying I’m a superhero, but have you ever seen me and Batman in the same room together?”

26. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a bag of trail mix – there’s always that one raisin ruining everything.”

27. “Good morning! I’m not saying I’m a coffee addict, but Juan Valdez sends me a Christmas card every year.”

28. “Waking up is tough, but it’s even tougher when your bed is cozy, and your responsibilities are not.”

29. “Good morning! If each morning were a donut, I’d take the one with extra sprinkles and a side of more sleep.”

30. “Rise and shine! Mornings are the reason I’m a night owl.”

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31. “Good morning! My morning routine includes hitting snooze, overthinking, and a strong cup of denial.”

32. “Waking up is hard. So is my mattress. Coincidence? I think not.”

33. “Good morning! I’d like a refund on this day; it came without coffee.”

34. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like math problems – I’m just not equipped to deal with them.”

35. “Good morning! I’m not a morning person, but I’m definitely not a morning monster… until I need caffeine.”

36. “Waking up is the second most challenging thing after trying to find matching socks.”

37. “Good morning! I’m not a morning person, but I make an exception for coffee.”

38. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a surprise test – I’m never prepared, and the answers are elusive.”

39. “Good morning! My morning routine is fueled by coffee, sarcasm, and a dash of more coffee.”

40. “Waking up is hard, but have you tried going back to sleep? It’s like hitting the snooze button on life.”

41. “Good morning! Mornings are like mini-dramas – overrated and too early for this.”

42. “Rise and shine! I’m not a morning person, but I’m a breakfast enthusiast. Pancakes, anyone?”

43. “Good morning! Mornings are like a bad haircut – you just have to ride it out until it grows on you.”

44. “Waking up is tough, but it’s tougher when you realize your alarm clock is on a mission to ruin your dreams.”

45. “Good morning! If sleep were an Olympic sport, I’d be a gold medalist.”

46. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a bad game of hide and seek – sleep hides, and I seek.”

47. “Good morning! I’m not saying I’m a superhero, but my bed is a secret lair, and I defend it fiercely.”

48. “Waking up is the second most challenging thing in the morning. The first is convincing yourself to get out of bed.”

49. “Good morning! My morning routine involves coffee, contemplation, and convincing myself that today is the day I become a morning person.”

50. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a wardrobe malfunction – you never know what you’re going to get.”

funny good morning texts
funny good morning texts

51. “Good morning! I’m not a morning person, but I’m also not a morning hater. Mornings just need better PR.”

52. “Waking up is tough, but finding matching socks in the morning is a level of adulting I’m not prepared for.”

53. “Good morning! My morning routine includes trying to hit the snooze button of life.”

54. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a sunrise – beautiful but also a reminder that I have to get out of bed.”

55. “Good morning! If mornings were a song, it would be ‘Despacito’ – slow and requiring multiple attempts to get through.”

56. “Waking up is hard, but it’s even harder when you realize your bed is the comfiest place on Earth.”

57. “Good morning! My morning routine is like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, but all paths lead to coffee.”

58. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a surprise party you didn’t want to attend.”

59. “Good morning! I’m not a morning person, but I’m a breakfast enthusiast. Coffee counts as breakfast, right?”

60. “Waking up is tough, but it’s tougher when you realize you left your phone across the room, and it’s your alarm clock.”

61. “Good morning! If each morning were a tweet, it would be limited to 280 characters of groans and coffee requests.”

62. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a Rubik’s Cube – confusing and best left for someone else to solve.”

63. “Good morning! My morning routine includes asking the mirror if it’s socially acceptable to wear pajamas to work.”

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64. “Waking up is hard. Staying awake is harder. Finding matching socks is nearly impossible.”

65. “Good morning! Mornings are like a marathon, and I’m still at the starting line trying to tie my shoes.”

66. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a bad Tinder date – you hope for the best but prepare for disappointment.”

67. “Good morning! My morning routine involves hitting snooze, contemplating the meaning of life, and eventually settling for coffee.”

68. “Waking up is tough, but not as tough as explaining to my bed that it’s not them, it’s me.”

69. “Good morning! If each morning were a plot twist, I’d be asking for a rewrite.”

70. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a Choose Your Fighter screen, and I choose coffee every time.”

71. “Good morning! My morning routine is a delicate dance between avoiding eye contact with the mirror and finding the coffee maker.”

72. “Waking up is hard, but it’s even harder when you realize your dreams are on snooze.”

73. “Good morning! Mornings are like a sitcom – you’re the star, but the plot is questionable.”

74. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a surprise exam – I didn’t study, and I’m not prepared.”

75. “Good morning! My morning routine includes hitting snooze, then pretending I have it all together.”

76. “Waking up is tough, but it’s tougher when your bed is a magnetic force field keeping you in its cozy embrace.”

77. “Good morning! Mornings are like a DIY project – ambitious but often left unfinished.”

78. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a Sudoku puzzle – confusing and requiring more coffee to solve.”

79. “Good morning! My morning routine is a blend of ambition, caffeine, and avoiding morning people.”

80. “Waking up is hard, but have you tried waking up without coffee? It’s like trying to ride a bike without wheels.”

81. “Good morning! Mornings are like a Choose Your Own Adventure book – filled with unexpected twists and turns to the coffee maker.”

82. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a game of hide and seek – sleep hides, and I seek more of it.”

83. “Good morning! My morning routine is a delicate balance between finding the right playlist and trying not to trip over my own feet.”

84. “Waking up is tough, but it’s even tougher when your bed whispers sweet nothings about staying just a bit longer.”

85. “Good morning! Mornings are like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get, but you hope for the one with caffeine.”

86. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a puzzle, and I’m missing a few crucial pieces: motivation, energy, and the will to adult.”

87. “Good morning! My morning routine is a series of negotiations between my alarm clock and my desire for five more minutes.”

88. “Waking up is hard, but it’s even harder when you realize your bed has mastered the art of persuasion.”

89. “Good morning! Mornings are like a choose-your-own-adventure book, and my adventure usually leads to the coffee maker.”

90. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a game show, and I’m still waiting for my coffee-sponsored vacation.”

91. “Good morning! My morning routine is a carefully choreographed dance between snooze buttons and caffeine intake.”

92. “Waking up is tough, but it’s tougher when you realize your bed is the comfiest place on the planet.”

93. “Good morning! Mornings are like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, and I’m still stuck on the ‘find motivation’ page.”

94. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a Netflix series – filled with drama, unexpected plot twists, and the need for coffee.”

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95. “Good morning! My morning routine is a carefully curated playlist of groans, sighs, and eventually, the coffee grinder.”

96. “Waking up is hard, but it’s even harder when you realize your bed has a PhD in persuasive arguments.”

97. “Good morning! Mornings are like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, and my choice is always ‘more sleep.'”

98. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a puzzle, and I’m missing the piece that says ‘morning person.'”

99. “Good morning! My morning routine is a delicate balance between caffeine intake and questioning life choices.”

100. “Waking up is tough, but it’s tougher when you realize your bed has a gravitational pull you can’t resist.”

funny good morning texts
funny good morning texts

101. “Good morning! Mornings are like a choose-your-own-adventure book, and my adventure usually leads to the coffee maker.”

102. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a game show, and I’m still waiting for my coffee-sponsored vacation.”

103. “Good morning! My morning routine is a carefully choreographed dance between snooze buttons and caffeine intake.”

104. “Waking up is tough, but it’s tougher when you realize your bed is the comfiest place on the planet.”

105. “Good morning! Mornings are like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, and I’m still stuck on the ‘find motivation’ page.”

106. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a Netflix series – filled with drama, unexpected plot twists, and the need for coffee.”

107. “Good morning! My morning routine is a carefully curated playlist of groans, sighs, and eventually, the coffee grinder.”

108. “Waking up is hard, but it’s even harder when you realize your bed has a PhD in persuasive arguments.”

109. “Good morning! Mornings are like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, and my choice is always ‘more sleep.'”

110. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a puzzle, and I’m missing the piece that says ‘morning person.'”

111. “Good morning! My morning routine is a delicate balance between caffeine intake and questioning life choices.”

112. “Waking up is tough, but it’s tougher when you realize your bed has a gravitational pull you can’t resist.”

113. “Good morning! Mornings are like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, and my adventure often involves finding the coffee.”

114. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, and my adventure usually leads to the coffee maker.”

115. “Good morning! My morning routine involves hitting snooze, contemplating the meaning of life, and eventually settling for coffee.”

116. “Waking up is hard, but it’s tougher when you realize your bed is a cozy fortress that shields you from adulting.”

117. “Good morning! Mornings are like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, and my adventure often involves a detour to the coffee shop.”

118. “Rise and shine! Mornings are like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, and my adventure typically starts with a cup of coffee.”

119. “Good morning! My morning routine is a delicate balance between finding the right playlist and trying not to trip over my own feet.”

120. “Waking up is tough, but it’s tougher when you realize your bed is the comfiest place on Earth.”

funny good morning texts
funny good morning texts


And there you have it, a complete list of 120 funny good morning texts to add a stunning great sense of humor to your mornings or to share with friends and loved ones. Whether you prefer sarcasm, puns, or a good old-fashioned groan, these messages are sure to start your day with a smile. So, the next time you face the early morning blues, remember: a good laugh is the best way to beat the sunrise blue.


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