How to Score 300 and Above in 2024 JAMB CBT Exam: Your Ultimate Guide

How to Score 300 and Above in 2024 JAMB CBT Exam

Every Nigerian student aiming for admission into higher institutions dreams of scoring 300 and above in JAMB. It’s a coveted goal that, with the right approach and dedication, can become a reality. Achieving this score isn’t easy, but it’s certainly achievable. Here, we’ll delve into a comprehensive guide with 10 invaluable tips on how to … Read more

How To By pass 2024 JAMB Questions- Score 300+ {100% working)

pass jamb

In 2013, when I wrote their first JAMB for information technology at the Ebonyi state university (Ebsu). Despite studying hard and reading extensively, I still scored 184, a low score for the course. This experience made me feel left behind and inspired them to create a study method. I promised to share the methods with … Read more