What Unionville School District Parents Need to Know

unionville school district

The district is a vibrant tapestry of dedicated educators, passionate parents, and outstanding students, creating a dynamic and enriching learning environment. The district is characterized by its commitment to academic excellence, innovation, inclusivity, and a legacy of achievement that continues to shine. The district is more than just a place of learning; it is a … Read more

The Complete Guide to NOUN University’s Updated Code of Conduct: Rights and Responsibilities

students code of conduct

The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) has updated its students’ code of conduct, rights, and responsibilities. The updated version includes information on the approved punishment for examination malpractice and the functionality of Nouonline.net. Students are obligated to abide by the university’s code of conduct, which outlines their rights and responsibilities. The university is responsible … Read more

WAECDIRECT Online Result Checker – [May/June] How to Check Your Results

waec result checker

Secondary school candidates who participated in the May/June West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) can now check their 2024 WAEC results online or via SMS. WAEC reports that 76.36% of students received a minimum of five credits in five or more subjects. Applicants will receive their certificates within 90 days of proper processing and … Read more

Universities to Address the Nurturing Gap Between Bame and White

A report by the National Union of Students and the Universities UK group suggests that bridging the “degree gap” between black, Asian, and minority ethnic students and their white counterparts requires a cultural shift between British universities and their leaders. The report calls for strong leadership from vice chancellors and principals to encourage racially diverse … Read more

Bolton University’s bentley-driving boss pockets £66k pay rise

Bolton University’s bentley-driving boss pockets £66k pay rise

Controversial Compensation: Bolton University’s CEO’s £Pay Raise Stirs Controversy A Bentley-driving vice-chancellor, George Holmes, has been given a £66,000 pay rise in the last academic year. Holmes, who has defended high salaries of university leaders, Bolton University’s bentley-driving boss pockets £66k pay rise  was paid £290,215 in 2016/17 as head of the University of Bolton, … Read more

Universities that Fail in Support of Diversity Could have fees reduced


Universities that fail to promote student diversity risk having their tuition fees slashed by a third, according to the new university regulator, after the admissions scandals at Oxford and Cambridge. Sir Michael Barber, head of the Office for Students, said that he is “interested in results, not just plans” when it comes to increasing student … Read more