
WAEC Exam Preparation – 2024 Top Questions and Answers on Animal Husbandry

WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Exam!

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is a well-established examination board responsible for conducting and determining the required examinations in the English-speaking countries of West Africa. Get access to the top questions and answers on animal husbandry for the 2024 WAEC exam.


Ensure your preparation is comprehensive and targeted with this essential study resource. Familiarize yourself with the key topics and concepts that are likely to be covered in the exam. Boost your confidence and improve your performance by mastering the most important aspects of animal husbandry. Maximize your study time and enhance your exam readiness with this valuable resource.

Its main purpose is to administer exams and issue internationally recognized certificates. WAEC plays a significant role in the education systems of Anglophone West African countries, including Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and the Gambia.

Overview of WAEC

WAEC was established in 1952 and has since played a crucial role in shaping the education landscape of West Africa. It coordinates and conducts examinations, ensuring that they align with the educational goals of member countries. Each year, WAEC registers over three million candidates for the exams it coordinates, making it one of the largest and most internationally recognized examination bodies in West Africa.

Under the leadership of Dr. Adeyegbe, the former Head of National Office (HNO) of WAEC Nigeria in 2004, the council has built a highly skilled and motivated team of staff. They have been successful in administering valid and relevant examinations that are comparable to those offered by equivalent examining bodies worldwide.

WAEC is not only involved in conducting its own examinations but also assists other local and international examination bodies in coordinating their exams. This demonstrates WAEC’s commitment to ensuring the credibility and quality of examinations in West Africa.

WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Questions and Answers 2024

In this post, we will address the WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Questions and Answers for the year 2024. Candidates who want to score high in WAEC must effectively utilize the Animal Husbandry Practical Questions.

WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Exam Date 2024

The Animal Husbandry Practical Exam is scheduled to be held on 20th June 2024. There will be two sets of exams, with the first set from 09:30 am to 11:00 am and the second set from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.

WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Practice Question and Answers

Below are some practice questions and answers for the Animal Husbandry Practical Exam:

Question 1:

(a)(i) Name two farm animals from which specimen C (Fresh meat) could be obtained.

(ii) Mention four ways in which specimen C could be preserved.

(b)(i) Mention three farm animals from which the raw form of specimen D (Powdered Milk) could be obtained.

(ii) Mention three products that could be obtained from specimen D.

(c) State two uses of specimen D in animal production.

(d) Name the process used for making the raw form of specimen D fit for human consumption.

Answer 1:

(a)(i) Farm animals from which Specimen C (Fresh Meat) could be obtained: Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Camel, Donkey, Pig, Rabbit, Grasscutter, Poultry.

(ii) Ways of Preserving Fresh Meat (Specimen C): Canning, Smoking, Refrigeration/Freezing, Salting, Drying/Jerky/Dehydration/Sundrying/Freeze Drying, Boiling, Frying, Roasting, Irradiation.

(b)(i) Farm animals from which the Raw Form of Specimen D (Powdered Milk) could be obtained: Cattle/Cow, Goat/Doe, Sheep/Ewe, Camel/Cow, Donkey/Jenny/Jennet.

(ii) Products Obtained from Powdered Milk (Specimen D): Yoghurt, Cheese, Butter, Ice Cream, Liquid Milk.

(c) Uses of Powdered Milk (Specimen D) in Animal Production: Fostering young animals, Production of semen extender, Feeding young animals, Administering drugs/vaccines.

(d) Process used for Making Raw Milk Fit for Human Consumption: Pasteurization/Boiling at high temperature.

Question 2:

(a)(i) Name one major nutrient that could be obtained from each of specimens F (Maize bran), G (Groundnut cake), and H (Cowpea husk).

(ii) Name three pests that could attack specimen F in the store.

(iii) State three effects of exposing specimen G for several days in a store.

(b)(i) Mention three farm animals that could feed on specimen H.

(ii) Name two containers that could be used to store specimen H.

(iii) Give one reason why specimen H is suitable as feed for farm animals.

Answer 2:

(a)(i) Major Nutrients obtained from Specimens F, G, and H:

Specimen F (Maize Bran): Carbohydrate.

Specimen G (Groundnut Cake): Protein.

Specimen H (Cowpea Husk): Carbohydrate.

(ii) Pests that could Attack Maize Bran in Store: Rats/Rodents/Mice, Weevil/Grain Borers/Beetles/Bruchides, Cockroach, Termite.

(iii) Effects of Exposing Specimen G (Groundnut Cake) for Several Days in a Store: Absorption of moisture/Reduction in dry matter, Easily attacked by insects, Easily attacked by pests, Contamination/loss of nutrients, Mouldy/Aflatoxin infection/Fungi, Rancid/Unpleasant smell/Loss of taste, Discolored product/Unattractive.

(b)(i) Farm Animals that could feed on Specimen H (Cowpea Husk): Sheep, Goat, Cattle, Camel, Rabbit, Donkey, Horse, Grasscutter.

(ii) Containers that could be used to store Cowpea Husk: Bucket, Drum/Plastic Drum/Metal Drum/Silo/Rhombus, Jute Bag/Polythene Bag/Sack, Clay Pot/Metal Pot/Aluminium Pot, Basket, Gourd.

(iii) Reason why Specimen H is suitable as feed for farm animals: Palatable/Nutritious, High in dry matter, Readily available, Does not spoil easily/Does not absorb moisture easily, High in fiber and protein/carbohydrate.

Question 3:

(a) State three factors that could affect the hatchability of specimen J (Egg).

(b)(i) Mention four operations that should be carried out on the first day of production of specimen K (Chick).

(ii) Name three diseases for which specimen K requires vaccination before it is six weeks old.

(c)(i) Name the type of housing unit used for rearing specimen K on arrival at the farm.

(ii) Mention four equipment that are required in the housing unit named in 4(c)(i).

Answer 3:

(a) Factors Affecting Hatchability of Egg (Specimen J): Physical defect, Heredity/Breed/Strain, Egg deformity/Double yolk, Fertility of egg/Egg quality, Handling/Selection of eggs, Cleanliness of egg/Contaminated egg, Incubation condition (Temperature, Humidity, Sanitation), Egg size/weight, Age of breeders, Storage duration/condition, Turning of eggs.

(b)(i) Operations Carried out on the First Day of Production of Specimen K (Chick): Vaccination, Sexing, Boxing, Drying of chicks, Sorting/Separating, Brooding/Temperature control, Feed supply, Water supply, Medication/Glucose, Beak trimming.

(ii) Diseases for which Specimen K requires Vaccination before it is Six Weeks Old: Newcastle disease, Infectious bronchitis, Marek’s.

(c)(i) Type of Housing Unit for Rearing Chicks on Arrival at the Farm: Brooder house/unit.

(ii) Equipment Required in a Brooder House: Drinkers, Feeders, Hover, Weighing scale, Thermometer, Rake/Fork/Shovel/Spade, Head pan/Wheelbarrow/Bucket/Basket, Chick guard, Light bulb/Lamp, Heat source, Sprayer, Debeaker, Syringe/Dropper.


In conclusion, the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) plays a crucial role in the education systems of Anglophone West African countries. It conducts examinations and issues internationally recognized certificates. The Animal Husbandry Practical Exam is an important component of the WAEC exams, and candidates must effectively prepare to score well.

By practicing with sample questions and understanding the subject, candidates can enhance their performance in the exam. Good luck to all the candidates preparing for the WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Exam!


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