
Charles Darwin University Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship 2024/2025

Charles Darwin University Research Training Program

The Charles Darwin University Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship is currently open for all interested and exceptional students to take advantage of the 2025 Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship round for domestic and International students.


The Australian Government RTP Stipend Scholarships are not automatically granted to all students but are awarded to students of exceptional research potential to undertake an HDR at an Australian university. These scholarships are provided to assist with general living costs.

Scholarship Summary:

  • Funding Amount: AU$32,192 (2024 rate) per annum tax-free
  • Scholarship Sponsor(s): Australian Governments
  • Study Level: Masters
  • Host Institution(s): Charles Darwin University, Australia
  • Nationality: Domestic or International Students
  • Number of Awards: Several
  • Scholarship type: Fully funded

Benefits of the Charles Darwin University Research Training Program

The scholarships are provided to assist with general living costs. Including the following:

  • Covered costs of courses, conferences, and travel—including occasions in which external students travel to the University
  • Other expenses, such as editorial services, research participants, and publication costs.
  • Overseas Student Health Cover

Other expenses, such as editorial services, research participants, and publication costs.

  • Maternity leave
  • Paid sick leave
  • AU$16,096 (2024 rate) per annum, taxable, for part-time students, paid in fortnightly installments.
  • AU$32,192 (2024 rate) per annum tax-free for full-time students, paid in fortnightly installments.
  • Relocation allowance. The relocation allowance for RTP stipend recipients is up to $2,000 for domestic students and $2,500 for international students. Conditions apply.
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Eligibility Criteria for the Charles Darwin University Research Training Program

The eligibility criteria for the Charles Darwin University Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship are as follows:

  • Applicants must be Domestic or International Students
  • Applicants must not receive income from another source to support their general living costs while enrolled in a course of study if that income is greater than 75% of the RTP stipend rate.
  • HDR candidates can receive an RTP stipend only if they are enrolled in an HDR course are eligible to enroll in a PhD at CDU, and were chosen to receive this award during a competitive selection process.
  • HDR candidates cannot receive an RTP stipend if:
  1. the duration in which they have been enrolled exceeds the maximum candidature, being four years FTE as a PhD candidate and two years FTE as a Masters by Research candidate, excluding parental leave, jury leave, or sick leave under the HDR policy.
  2. You must not receive income from another source to support your general living costs while enrolled in a course of study if that income is greater than 75% of the RTP stipend rate.
  3. They have previously received an RTP stipend over more than 3.5 years of full-time equivalent (FTE)
  4. The duration in which they have been enrolled exceeds the maximum candidature, being four years FTE as a PhD candidate and two years FTE as a Masters by Research candidate, excluding parental leave, jury leave, or sick leave per the HDR policy.

Before approving candidates to enroll part-time, the Dean of Graduate Studies must consider whether:

  1. The family or health of the candidate may be harmed by the candidate being unable to study part-time.
  2. The utility or feasibility of this research is likely to diminish over time
  3. Applicants must have a CDU supervisor to apply.
  4. You must be enrolled in an accredited HDR course of study at an Australian Higher Education Provider (HEP) and demonstrate exceptional research potential to undertake an HDR.
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Duration of Stipends

If candidates have not been enrolled in an HDR course previously, they will be offered a stipend that lasts 3 years FTE if enrolled in a PhD and 2 years FTE if enrolled in a Master by Research. Candidates will also be informed that the stipend may be extended up to 6 months, but only if enrolled in a PhD and if unforeseen and unavoidable events have impeded their progress.

Payment of Stipends

The University must pay RTP stipends fortnightly to an Australian bank account with the name of the candidate.

Candidates may access sick leave, limited to:

  • An additional 60 days throughout this RTP if a medical certificate is supplied
  • 10 days a year if no medical certificate is supplied
  • The University will suspend these stipend payments under the HDR policy if:
  • Candidates defer their course under HDR policy.
  • Candidates are granted a leave of absence, either because of personal reasons or because they are completing an internship.

Click Here to Apply.

About Charles Darwin University

Charles Darwin University (CDU) is committed to providing an environment that enables and supports transformative education through higher degrees by research (HDR) and drives world-class research in areas critical to the sustainable and prosperous development of Northern Australia and the wider region.

Their multi-campus, dual-sector status, virtual and online expertise, course profile, research activities, delivery methods, and operation result from our commitment to the regions in which they operate.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is RTP?

Research Training Program (RTP) is a single flexible pool of funding to support both domestic and overseas students undertaking Research Doctorate and Research Masters degrees.

  • Can I apply to the RTP at more than one university, or more than once at the same university?
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There are no restrictions that prevent a student from applying for a RTP place at more than one university, or more than once at the same university.

  • I am receiving an RTP and working part-time in a job unrelated to my studies. How much can I earn through paid employment?

Universities must include provisions that identify the circumstances in which it will approve a student awarded an RTP Scholarship undertaking work outside the higher degree by research (HDR) subject. Students should check the university’s RTP Scholarship policies and seek approval from the university before commencing work outside of the RTP.

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