
Absent Periods: The Causes and Treatment of Amenorrhoea

signs of period coming late

Why Haven’t I Seen My Period This Month? Possible Reasons and Solutions.

Menstruation, a natural and vital aspect of a woman’s reproductive cycle, becomes a source of concern when menstrual periods are absent—an occurrence known as amenorrhea. This blog post guide will help the individual to handle the intricacies of amenorrhea, shedding light on its causes, types, diagnosis, potential health risks, and treatment options. plus, we will discuss common reasons for late or missed periods, emphasizing the importance of consulting healthcare professionals for accurate diagnoses and tailored treatments.


Understanding the Menstrual Cycle:

The menstrual cycle, typically spanning 28 to 29 days, orchestrates hormonal fluctuations to prepare the body for pregnancy. However, individual variations exist, influenced by age, hormonal changes, and life stages such as puberty and the teenage years.

Types of amenorrhea:

  1. Primary Amenorrhea: Primary amenorrhea occurs when a woman hasn’t started her period by the age of 16, often due to reproductive organ abnormalities, hormonal deficiencies, or genetic and chromosome abnormalities like Turner’s syndrome.
  2. Secondary amenorrhea: This type involves the cessation of periods for three months or more. While normal during pregnancy and menopause, other causes include excessive exercise, low body weight, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, medications, PCOS, premature menopause, and glandular issues.
  3. Athletic Amenorrhea: Excessive exercise, especially among elite athletes, can suppress estrogen release, resulting in menstrual cycles coming to a halt.
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Common Reasons for Late or Missed Periods:

  1. Stress: Chronic stress disrupts hormonal balance and affects the brain’s regulation of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Low Body Weight: Eating disorders, extreme weight loss, or low body weight impact ovulation, leading to irregular periods.
  3. Obesity: High body weight, especially in cases of obesity, causes hormonal imbalances, resulting in irregular or absent periods.
  4. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS, characterized by an overproduction of the male hormone androgen, leads to irregular ovulation and cyst formation on the ovaries.
  5. Birth Control: Changes in menstrual cycles can occur when starting or stopping hormonal contraceptives. It may take up to three months for cycles to regulate after discontinuing birth control pills.
  6. Chronic Diseases: Conditions like diabetes, celiac disease, Cushing syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and Asherman’s syndrome can affect hormonal balance and menstrual regularity.
  7. Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI): POI, or early natural menopause, may occur before the age of 40 due to genetic disorders, autoimmune conditions, or surgical removal of the ovaries.
  8. Thyroid Issues: Overactive or underactive thyroid glands disrupt hormone levels, affecting the menstrual cycle.

Diagnosis and Health Risks:

Diagnosing amenorrhea involves thorough examinations, including pregnancy tests, physical examinations, blood tests for hormone levels, and scans for reproductive organs and glands. Low estrogen levels associated with amenorrhea can pose health risks like reduced fertility, increased cardiovascular disease risk, early-onset osteoporosis, and premature menopause.

signs of period coming late
signs of period coming late

Treatment Options:

Effective treatment of amenorrhea depends on identifying and addressing the underlying cause. Restoring menstrual cycles may involve hormone therapy, medications, surgery, nutritional advice, and counseling, particularly in cases of eating disorders.

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When to See a Doctor:

Seek medical attention if you’ve missed three or more periods, had fewer than nine periods in a year, or noticed changes in your menstrual pattern. Consult a doctor if a 13-year-old girl shows no signs of puberty or a 16-year-old girl hasn’t started her period.


Understanding amenorrhea, its causes, and potential health risks is paramount for proactive health management. By unraveling the complexities of menstrual irregularities and seeking professional guidance, individuals can embark on a path toward restored hormonal balance, overall well-being, and reproductive health. If you are you are experiencing amenorrhea, consulting a healthcare professional is crucial for personalized guidance and effective management tailored to individual needs.


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